Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, June 24, 2005

Brutality, Including Child Rape, In Myanmar

BBC reports that the Brits are going to push for action against the Burmese army based on well documented reports by Guy Horton of extreme human rights abuses, including:

Government soldiers are said to routinely use torture as a weapon, along with the rape of girls as young as five.

Mr Horton told the BBC he had video of "villages in the process of being burnt down", the mass slaughter of animals and "numerous" people being murdered. "It shows one particular massacre of 10 people," he added.

During one four-week visit, almost every village he saw had been burned to the ground. Villagers told him of soldiers throwing babies onto a fire during one raid.

Let's never forget. There are two worlds on this planet; one of democracy and freedom, and another darker world, depraved, deprived of morality, evil. More power to the Brits, but if you're dealing with someone who can throw a baby on a fire, how exactly do you negotiate?