Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Here's How We'll Win The War

Charlie Rangle, perhaps the worst example of Democracy in America, but oft-quoted because he's black, has advice for the president that he feels will help the Bush see the light for an Iraq solution:
"We want to make certain that the President tells us what he is doing, and we won't agree to anything less."
"Charlie, George here."

"Yes, that George, Charlie. ... W. ... Yes, the president."

"Let's see if we can get through this call without any more obscenities, OK Charlie? ... Fine, I'll note that you think my entire family history and administration are obscenities."

"OK, and Dad's too. Look, I just wanted to take you up on your suggestion and let you know what I'm doing. I know you won't settle for anything less."

"OK, you won't agree to anything less. Whatever. Charlie, I wanted to let you know that we're going to be doing a little incursion into Syria tomorrow, and at the same time we're going to be sending some CIA guys into Iran with 17 suitcases full of money to finance the resistance movement there."

"Charlie, that was in 1953, for cryin' out loud! We were trying to stop Stalin from taking over the oil."

"No, not the 'Bush-we,' Charlie, the 'America-we.'"

"C'mon, Charlie, I said no more obscenities, OK? And finally, in Afghanistan, we just got some pretty good intelligence on Osama, so we're going to be working with the Pakis and Karzai's guys in a very sensitive area on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. It's pretty darn close to China, and the last thing we want is for them decide to start some war games or something while we're up there."

"Remember 9/11, man! Uh-huh ... uh-huh ... well I wouldn't put it that way. Look, I just wanted you to know. Now listen, we've got a lot of troops and agents at risk in this operation, so I can count on you to not go on TV or put something up on Ariana's blog, can't I?"

"Charlie? Charlie?"