Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, June 27, 2005

Are We Winning? Yes

To keep myself from getting depressed when I think about Wahabism and other bloodlusting branches of Islam, I think of ebola. And it gives me peace.

As Richard Preston explained it in The Hot Zone, some viruses are so astonishingly deadly that they quickly kill all the potential hosts, and peter off into a lengthy hiatus, so decades can pass between outbreaks that kill only a few hundred people.

Similarly, the level of hatred ginned up by the psycho-imams is so virulent that it will surely burn itself out. Were it not so, Islam would have conquered the world long ago. And how is the Islamovirus doing at this point in its current infectuous cyle? Howdy of the Iraq milblog Howdy's Blog tells us we are winning in Iraq:

There is an Iraqi face at the front of every major offensive we undertake.

Widespread public support (which there never was any) for murderers and foreign thugs has never materialized. ...

80% of the captured combatants here are foreign. Most are Saudi. Go figure. Most of the 9-11 bombers are Saudi. ... Societies like Saudi Arabia breed dissenters and criminals....ultimately making bad neighbors. So, we fight here or on United States soil. See the connection now to 9-11? Why would they come to fight here? Hate brings them, hate brought them on 9-11.
(h/t Hugh)

We are in an era when exteme intolerance and hate is battling liberal freedom and democracy. As Thomas Jefferson is quoted saying in the Michael Ignatieff/NYT piece linked a couple posts down, the latter option will spread globally, ''To some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all'' because ''the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion'' will convince all people that they were born not to be ruled but to rule themselves in freedom.

Let's pray that when this game's over, the score will be Jefferson 1, bin Laden 0.