Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, May 23, 2005

How The Left Justifies Newsweek

AmericaBlog, strangely named since the authors seem to hate America intensely, is greatly offended by a photo a reader found on a USMC Wargames Web site. Here's what they said about the photo:
DOD Web site jokes of Christian crusade against Muslims
by John in DC - 5/22/2005 05:30:00 PM

A clever AMERICAblogger sent me the following link to the US Department of Defense's own Marine Corps Web site. It shows a photo taken May 5, 2005 in Iraq. It's a photo of a US tank dubbed the "New Testament" - the name of the tank is written across its barrel. The even funnier part is that this photo MADE IT PAST military censors and the DOD Web page with the photo on it even brags about the name "New Testament" in the caption. So some jerk at the Pentagon knew exactly what this was about and found it funny enough to put on their Web site, and it passed various level of review. Lovely.

Why does Newsweek hate America?
Here's the photo:

This photo is supposed to be enough to give Newsweek reason to hate America?

The Left is peopled with so many who hate Christianity so much that they can't see that we are fighting an Islamic crusade waging against Christianity. They see this tank photo as evidence of a Christian crusade; have they forgotten that it was Islam that flew into our buildings, blew up Spain's trains, wiped their butts on our holy bible, beheaded innocents? To AmericaBlog, these crimes against humanity mean nothing.

To them, mentioning the bible in Iraq is the only sin.