Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Filibuster Follow-Through

It's done and it's disappointing.

Of course, fundraising and elections will tell the true story over the next few years.

But I have a confession to make. I think Bush could have handled this better, by acknowledging that his majority leader isn't exactly a major league closer and doing hime a favor by re-nominating most of his candidates but dropping the most problematic nominee, probably Saad. With that, we might have won and be in better standing prior to the Supreme Court nominations.

Some would argue full strength is necessary before the Supremes play, and it's easy to agree. But that's not what we ended up with, and I'm not happy with the tilt of the playing field now.

I know, I know. I'm asking for Reid and Company to be reasonable. I'm asking them to let a good deed go unpunished. I could be wrong. But the thought still is clattering around in there.