Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, April 25, 2005

LAT: Dems To Win West On Schiavo Vote

Letting its high-held Dem banner wave boldly in the breeze, the LATimes editorializes today that changing demographics and tried and true Dem values just might turn the red states of the West blue. The crowning point of their logic:
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, the new Democratic Party chairman, has been advising Democrats nationwide to cool their rhetoric, if not their beliefs, on hot-button social issues such as abortion.

But what's needed is less a retreat than a recasting of privacy issues (Terri Schiavo's ordeal, for instance) that will resonate with the hands-off individualism of the mountains and deserts.
Since when does government-forced murder read as "hands-off individualism?" The LAT apparently didn't bother to read the more accurate surveys on public opinion on the Schiavo matter.

See also:
Finally, A Believable Schiavo Poll