Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Schiavo Case As Tradition Vs. New Age

The second Felos in the moniker of Michael Schiavo's death-seeking lawfirm is Constance Felos, a New Age lawyer who's pretty darn goofy. Fortunately, Alan Sullivan, who blogs at Fresh Bilge, doesn't just expose her; he ponders over her:
This culture clash has been represented as sectarian versus secular. If one looks at the principal characters, however, one finds two religions at war. There is nothing secular about 'Kryon channeling' and the other nonsensical beliefs of Ms. Felos. The very traditional Schindler family and its allies have lost their court battle against the New Age elite that dominates many of the nation's institutions, including the Democratic Party. That elite has supported Michael Schiavo. This schism between families aligns with the greater schism in the nation.
There are so many things about this tragedy that encapsulate the current state of the nation. That is, I truly believe, Terri's purpose. She has made millions think deep, created revealing dialogs around the world, underscored the differences and let strange bedfellows cheer each other ("Bush Voters for Jesse"), and has been a clarion call for change.

It seems like that alone would be reason enough to save her.