Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

WaPo Circulation Tumbling

Circulation at the Washington Post is continuing to slide and slide and slide. Remedies proposed: a brighter front page, shorter stories, more photos, localized editions. Remedies not proposed: untilting the bias.

American Journalism Review reports:
During the six-month period ending September 30, the Post's daily paid circulation dropped 2.9 percent from the previous year, to 699,929. Sunday circulation fell 1.8 percent, to 1,007,487. Over the past two years, sales slid 5.2 percent daily and 3.9 percent on Sunday. ...

The Post's paid circulation has been falling intermittently since sales peaked on Sunday in 1992 at 1,158,329 and daily in 1993 at 832,232.
Not mentioned anywhere in AJR's lengthy article is any mention of reactions against the bias on WaPo's news and editorial pages. And, astonishingly, although the article mentioned two local WaPo competitors and refered to the NYTimes as a rival, it never metioned the Washington Times, or its possible impact on WaPo circulation.

Even though the WashTimes is notoriously close-fisted about its circulation, to not even mention it shows bias in the AJR story. (h/t Media Bistro.)