Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, March 25, 2005

Libblogs' Disgusting Terri Comments

A few days ago, I got fairly nauseated scanning Libblogs to see what they were writing about on the Terri Schiavo case. Disgusting as it was, things have gotten much, much worse as their sick emotions appear to be ratcheting up along with our compassionate emotions.

This is from Opinion Journal's Best of the Web, and I can't caution you strongly enough: What's copied below will turn your stomach. If you follow the links, it will get much worse.
The satiric site carries a headline that states: "Saving Terri Schiavo: Presenting Incontrovertible Proof That Every Life Has Worth, President Bush Announces '66 Uses for Persistent Vegetards.' "

Blogger Malachy Joyce rounds up some postings (the original page seems to have disappeared from DU, but this one confirms its authenticity). "[Mrs. Schiavo] and a Chia Pet both have about the same likelihood of swallowing a spoonful of tapioca," writes "GiovanniC," who, in case you didn't get the point, follows up with this:

I said "Terri Schiavo has the same likelihood of swallowing as a Chia Pet." Other things with the same likelihood of swallowing as Terri Schiavo:

- A slab of granite
- A watermelon
- A hubcap from a 1989 Ford Escort
- Play-Doh
- etc.

"Modem Butterfly" adds: "If we can't make fun of the living dead, who can we make fun of?"

What explains the specter of politically correct liberals making ugly and unfunny jokes about an utterly helpless human being? It won't do to say that Terri Schiavo is fair game because she is no longer "really alive"; if you made a similar joke at the expense of someone who'd been murdered in a hate crime, they'd jump all over you (and rightly so).
Note: The "" link worked for me. Unfortunately.