Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

100 Monkeys Blathering

Good and evil. You'd think it's a pretty straightforward topic, and Dennis Prager has certainly done a compellingly good job of presenting it with, to use his favorite word, clarity.

Unless of course you are the popular leftyblog 100 Monkeys Typing. Then it's:
* -Schthupppp- (the sound of Dennis Prager's sphincter completing a vapor lock around his neck). Catching up with the leading God-complex authority, we're informed that those of [us] who apply logic and reason can't comprehend the good vs evil approach. Au contraire mon frere. We get evil. It is a subjective view that can be assigned all willy-nilly, to anyone who might have a differing opinion and then used to justify bombing them with depleted uranium which has a half life much longer than the the MSM's memory, thus absolving us from the category, evil.... Yeah, we get it. It's good to be above the law and still remain high on the moral horse, ain't it?
Interesting, first, that he characterizes the Left as "those of us who apply logic and reason." As if we don't. As if they do.

So it's not about good and evil; it's just having "differing opinion." Mr. 100 Monkey, do we really have differing opinions about Hitler? Pol Pot? Ruwanda? Ted Bundy? Was Saddam bombed out for differing opinions, or because he was a threat, a murderer, a destroyer of a nation and a wannabe destroyer of other nations?

This isn't that hard. Why can't they get it?