Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, February 04, 2005

This is all the Saudis Get for $7 Million?

PowerLine has an interesting e-mail exchange between a critic and the Saudi embassy regarding Saudi Arabia's sponsorship of an anti-terror conference.

The first email says Saudi Arabia should be ashamed since it invited Iran, a terrorism sponsor, to the conference, but didn't invite Israel, the foremost terrorism victim. The Saudis fire back:
Thank you Mr. Wuthrich. One of the foremost victims of terror??? I think not. Please keep in mind Israel is in violation of more United Nations resolutions than all other countries of the world combined. Iran is not in violation of any United Nations resolutions. Image is different than reality.
The PR firm Qorvis is being paid over $1 million a month (eat your heart out, Armstrong Williams!) to help Saudi Arabia paint a pretty picture of itself as a warrior in the war on terrorism, and that's all they get? Let me rephrase that: ... and that's all they get??? On the plus side, ever dollar goint to Qorvis is a dollar not available for the Saudis to contribute to Hamas.

Qorvis' activities have included setting up interviews with Wolf Blitzer, Tim Russert, John Robers, Tony Snow, the NYTimes, USA Today, Time, WashPost, ChiTrib and Boston Globe, and drafting letters to members of Congress. At over $1 million a month in billings, Qorvis must be stuffing some of those letters with cash.

Oh one more thing Qorvis is doing: Helping the FBI sort through their records, since they're being investigated for possible violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.