Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, February 04, 2005

Can't See the Forest for the Trees

From Greenie Watch:
After years of battling the U.S. Forest Service, environmental groups and fierce international competition, Jim Hurst announced Thursday that Eureka's Owens & Hurst Lumber Co. will permanently close in May. "For our company, the hill has become too steep to climb and the path continues to be littered with obstacles," Hurst said in a statement released to media. "Pure and simple, the anemic Forest Service timber sale program is the overriding factor in our decision to close."

Hurst told employees Wednesday of his decision "to fold up the tent." Hurst said the mill's 90 employees "could see the handwriting on the wall. They just thought we could hold out for a bit longer, maybe two or three years." ...

Kootenai National Forest Supervisor Bob Castaneda acknowledged the problem. "They are entirely right. The ideal situation is for us to be able to provide a steady amount of timber," he said. "We can do our part on that, but if [timber sales are] held up by litigation, then it's out of our control and it's in the courts' hands."
Why are the Greenies suing to put lumber mills out of business? Is it because the forests are at risk. No.
About one-third of the United States -- 747 million acres -- is covered with trees. In fact, we have more trees today than we had 70 years ago. And some 4 million more are planted each day. On the nation's commercial forests, net annual growth exceeds harvests and losses to insects and disease by an impressive 47 percent each year. (Hat tip AF&PA)
No, they sue because they worship the creation instead of the Creator, and loggers are cutting down their gods and godesses . No other explanation stands up to scientific scrutiny.