Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 31, 2005

What About Jordanian Colonialism?

28 whacko demonstrators in London

There are 28 Arab faces visible in the photo above, which NBC is flouting about. (here) If you look carefully, you can see the yellow jackets of the rear-guard policemen just behind the second banner, so it's quite likely that there are no more than 50 or 60 anti-Democracy idiots in this photograph.

They're demonstrating outside the Iraqi polling center in London, in a futile attempt to quash the hunger for freedom Iraqis showed the world yesterday.

The only real colonialist in Iraq right now, since the US has no intention of staying there any longer than they're welcome or needed, is the Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi. He wants to colonize the Arab world under his view of Islam, and he's willing to do it at any cost -- even at the cost of blowing up school children -- ostensibly because he feels his religion is incompatible with freedom. Many Islamic scholars would argue the point with him.

And millions of Iraqi citizens thumbed their noses at him yesterday by raising a purple-dyed index finger skyward and dancing in the streets.

Zarqawi, are you listening?