Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, January 30, 2005

NYT, Kerry and Condi on Election

According to the US Elections Project, 60 percent of eligible voters voted in Bush v. Kerry. Quite high by US standards, but it appears it will be small by Iraqi standards. Fox News is reporting over 60% and, but according to the country's election commission, the turn-out is 72% (in another Fox News report.)

Friday, the NYTimes predicted "less than overwhelming voter turnout in many parts of Iraq." It looks like once again, MSM cynicism has biased its ability to process news. Turnout among Sunnis may not have been as high, but that was their choice -- a word that didn't have meaning under Hussein.

Meanwhile, on Meet the Press Kerry appeard to downplay the election, focusing instead on the likelihood for more violence through the transition. Yes, that's important, but the vote is significant, and the most significant thing of all is that Iraqis by the millions cared enough to turn their backs on the terrorists and vote. Gloom and doom didn't work any better today than it did in November for Kerry.
"It is hard to say that something is legitimate when whole portions of the country can't vote and doesn't vote," Kerry said. (here)
On Fox News Sunday, Condi, projected the right balance of excitement for today and frank assessment of the future. (here)
"What we are seeing today is what the Iraqis want their future to be. They want it to be one based on democracy -- on the vote, not the gun. And yet there are some terrible thugs, mostly from the old regime, who are trying to forestall that process, and we saw today that they are not succeeding."
No pollyanna, she said the terrorists might get more nasty as they see the transfer of power, but it was framed within the enthusiasm she has for the election -- an enthusiasm for Democracy Kerry didn't project at all.