Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, January 28, 2005

China for Free Elections?

Someone at the LATimes noticed that it just might be a little hypocritical for repressive China to be supporting free elections in Iraq by providing supplies and assistance through the UN. (here)

Here's the Chinese spin:
Elections won't work in China because the masses aren't wealthy or well-educated enough to understand the issues, Chinese officials often argue. Elections are at odds with 5,000 years of Chinese history and, anyway, the country already has a democracy with socialist characteristics, they say.
Here's the unspin:
It's becoming more difficult, however, to argue that the people lack the necessary income and education when the nation's performance is rising on both counts. Meanwhile, more impoverished Indonesia recently pulled off an impressive peaceful transfer of power; and India, with its lower literacy rate, remains the world's largest democracy.

"Two years ago I went to Cambodia, which is poorer than China, and watched a very good election," said Li Fan, director of the World and China Institute, a Beijing think tank focused on rural democracy. "It's a silly argument."
This is the President's inauguration speech in action. Spread a little Democracy around and just look what happens to the autocrats and despots.

Are you reading this, Senator Kennedy?