Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 31, 2005

Lefties Hate Iraq Vote

Once again, count on WSJ Opinion Journal Best of the Web to find, indeed, the best of the Web -- as in this best example of Lefty insanity:
All the media keeps talking about is how happy the Iraqis are, how high turnout was, and how "freedom" has spread to Iraq. I had to turn off CNN because they kept focusing on the so-called "voters" and barely mentioned the resistance movements at all. Where are the freedom fighters today? Are their voices silenced because some American puppets cast a few ballots?

I can't believe the Iraqis are buying into this "democracy" bull****. They have to know that the Americans don't want them to have power, because they know that Bush is in this for the oil, and now that he finally has it he's not going to let it go. This election is a charade. The fact is that the Iraqis have suffered during the past two years more than any people on earth at the hands of the American gestapo. Maybe they're afraid and felt they had to vote. That's the only way I can explain it to myself.
Emphasis added, but the stupidity was there all along. Read the entire pile of **** here.