Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Tacky, Tacky Times

The LA Times could not resist a real bottom-feeder of a swipe at the Bush Administration today, buried deep in an article on proposed changes to forest management rpotocols. (here)

The last four paragraphs of the 28-paragraph article detail the contributions made by representatives of the timber industry to the president and other GOP candidates in the 2004 campaign. The amount was not insubstantial: $1.7 million.

That's a chunk of change, but it is nothing compared to the amount of "green" greenbacks that went to Kerry and the Dems in 2004. Do you think for a minute the LATimes would include a paragraph of environmentalist contributions to the DNC, had Kerry been elected and began turning back some of the progress towards environmental balance achieved by Bush?

In fact, most MSM cannot apply the concept of "balance" to environmental policy; it's an all or nothing proposition for them. No amount of protection is too much, and there's always an environmentalist with a quote when something less extreme is proposed.

But the facts are different. The Clintonistas pushed environmental regulations far beyond what Congress ever anticipated and a correction is due -- a fact you'll never see the LA Times admitting to.