Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Greenies: Oil Companies Caused Earthquake

You read it right: Some in the environmental movement have found a "link" between the Southeast Asian earthquake/tsunami disaster and that mean old internal combustion engine and the companies that feed them. I found this via a couple link click-throughs at Environmentalist Whackos:

Now I dont claim to be an expert on seismic activity, but there has been a series of events which led up to the 9.0 earthquake of the coast of Indonesia which can not be ignored. This all could be an enormous coincidence, but one must look at the information and choose for themselves whether there is anything to it.

On November 28th, one month ago, Reuters reported that during a 3 day span 169 whales and dolphins beached themselves in Tasmania, an island of the southern coast of mainland Australia. The cause for these beachings is not known, but Bob Brown, a senator in the Australian parliament, said "sound bombing" or seismic tests of ocean floors to test for oil and gas had been carried out near the sites of the Tasmanian beachings recently. ...

A great deal of interest and seismic testing has been taking place in this area, as the government of Australia has given great tax breaks to encourage the oil exploration.