Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, September 18, 2006

Quote Of The Day: Capitalist Pig Edition

“For the first time in our history, we have a shareholder who invested in the newspaper to make money. Our previous investors were happy for us to keep the losses to a minimum.”
-- Liberation deputy editor Pierre Haski

Let us gleefully count the days until Liberation, the French far left rag founded by Jean-Paul Satre and "members of the extreme political left," closes its doors. It could come as soon as October because, mon dieu, they're not making any money.

The "extreme political left" quote comes from the NYTimes, so you can bet the founders were pretty far out there. NYT further reports:
After years of falling readership and advertising, the paper’s largest shareholder, Edouard de Rothschild, has stopped paying operating costs and, according to Pierre Haski, deputy editor of the newspaper, salaries have been frozen for October. “On Sept. 28, we hit the wall,” Mr. Haski said. “This seems too sad, but it is the reality.”
Reality and Socialism so rarely go hand-in-hand.

Investors are said to not be interested in bailing out the paper. What a surprise.