Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, August 14, 2006

Terrorist Texans

Here's the photo caption on an AP story on the recent cell phone bust:
Vehicles drive along M-81, Saturday, aug. 12, 2006, in Caro, Mich. Three Texas men were arraigned Saturday on terrorism-related charges after police found about 1,000 cell phones in their minivan.
Those pesky Texans! Gotta watch 'em all the time ... oh, what's this ... paragraph six of the story ...
Maruan Awad Muhareb and Louai Abdelhamied Othman, of Mesquite, Texas and Adham Abdelhamid Othman of Dallas were charged with collecting or providing materials for terrorist acts and surveillance of a vulnerable target for terrorist purposes.
No way! Not that kind of Texans!

I'm also grumbling because you had to dig pretty deep into the coverage to find that these lovlies had opened the packages, removed batteries, etc. -- information that would be helpful in countering the suspects' story that they were buying the phones to resell. But did MSM make it easy for us to sort that out?

hat-tip: Jim
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