Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Congressional Sons Serving In Iraq

Michael Moore said in Far-fetched-heit 9/11 that none of the sons and daughters of Congress members had a son in Iraq. Like most of Moore's deceptive documentary, it was qualified ... enlisted son. As if enlisted or officer matters in a volunteer Army.

The NYT updates the matter today, while focusing on the death of Marine Cpl. Phillip E. Baucus, one of four Marines killed in Anbar province last Saturday. Baucus is the nephew of Sen. Max Baucus, D-MT ("like a son," said Harry Reid).

Phillip and his wife would have celebrated their first wedding anniversary Aug. 19. Please keep her and the Baucus clan in your prayers.

Also serving or having served in Iraq are:
  • Marine Lt. Sam Bond, son of Sen. Christopher Bond, R-MO
  • Marine Lt. Duncan Duane Hunter, son of Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA
  • Army National Guard Capt. Alan Wilson, son of Rep. Joe Wilson, R-SC. (Two other sons of Wilson are heading into the military -- one just graduated from the Naval Academy and one is joining ROTC.)
  • Marine Lt. Perry Akin, son of Rep. Todd Akin, R-MO
Proud parents; brave sons.

Is this evidence of anit-military attitudes or military-agnosticism among the Dems? It's too small a sample to be meaningful ... but it is interesting that no Dem. in Congress has a son or daughter who has served or is serving in Iraq.

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