Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Well, That's Never Happened Before

A day and a half without posting ... that's never happened before in C-SM history.

It was a bit of flu, a lot of Christmas busy-ness, some computer problems, but mostly just a bad case of issues exhaustion. I read the news and just feel drained. I'm tired of everything being a shouting match, of every decision by Dem or Rep being second-guessed by Rep or Dem, of histrionics over minutia.

The latest round of hysteria over intelligence-gathering has been a body-blow to my sense of engagement. Nothing has shown the crossed-up priorities more than this tempest, with each call for another area of investigation serving as a new guidepost to terrorists seeking ways to get through our defenses. Each politician putting sound-bite opportunism ahead of the safety of America has been a psychic vampire on me, sucking out my energy and leaving me exhausted.

Now that my family has hugged its Merry Christmases to each other and the presents are opened and the Christmas Eve turkey reduced to Christmas morning turkey scramble, maybe normalcy -- that would be interest, outrage, cattiness, occasional forays into wit -- will return.

Or maybe the Dems will get their act together and deprive us of commentary fodder.