Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Plame Game Brain Drain

As we await the outcome of the Fitzgerald inquiry, it's clear we're not clear on what it all means:

'A CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll taken over the weekend found 39 percent of Americans believe the leak of Plame's name was illegal, another 39 percent believed it was unethical but not illegal and the remainder saw nothing wrong or were not sure.'

I would guess the percent that has a passable understanding of the Plame Game to be less than 10 percent, and comprehension will only decrease as the case - if there is one - begins to unfold.

It's too complex and there's no real tangible damage done so if there's a case, it will be nothing remotely approaching the wild fantasies of the left.

(Posted via Treo, so no links.)