Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Evil Progressive's Prize

Thanks to a link from Salon (here's the current page; not the one that linked to me), I got 22 left-wing comments to a rather so-so post in which I simply said I agreed with a Bill Kristol column on the Plame Game investigation.

The prize for the stupidest comment goes to Evil Progressive, who wrote:
Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Rice, Rumsfeld, and assorted Neo-cons fooled you into a war of choice, and you bought their lies, lock, stock, and barrel.
His prize? A post all about him (her?) from me.

EP thinks I'm a stupid fool and says so, which isn't the best way to win an argument. But then the Left doesn't care much for winning arguments. It cares about emoting. Nonetheless, EP thinks I'm a pretty stupid feller for "buying the lies" of the Bush administration.

And he thinks 53 percent of the population is just as stupid as I am, and that the 47 percent stupid enough to vote for a golddigging hypocrite like John Kerry is somehow smarter.

EP seems to think that this is a war about weapons of mass destruction. He must also think that the American Revolution was a war about achieving better treatment from our colonies' masters. That is what it started as -- not as a war for independence, but as a war for representation and fair taxes. It only grew into a war for independence, and thank God the colonials recognized that the reasons for a war can change.

Yet here's EP, a couple years into this war, seeing Democracy begin to bloom in previously totalitarian countries, seeing Libya come to its knees, seeing terrorists killing themselves off ten thousand miles away instead of in his home town -- and yet he still sees Iraq as a war against WMDs! And he calls me stupid!

Furthermore, I never bought a lie because a lie was never uttered. The infamous yellowcake lines were all but purged from Administration-speak, and when they did appear, they were tied to British intelligence, which no one had disputed. The Downing Street kerfuffle came and went without proving anything in that regard. Wilson's trip only covered one of the countries Iraq approached that produces uranium yellowcake. Why does EP think Iraq was suddenly interested in "increased trade" with this small subset of countries? Because they liked black people? The full dossier may never prove definitively efforts to buy yellowcake, but what would EP do? Let them purchase the stuff in order to prove it true?

And WMD had little to do with my support for the war. I understood from the outset that Iraq presented a clear and present danger for a number of reasons, including WMDs. Saddam was working the Taliban, the Africans, the UN. He was pursuing nuclear weapons, absolutely, because he told Arab TV on signing a nuke trade deal with the French that he was going to provide Islam with "the Arab bomb."

He needed to be destabilized and, I remember thinking at the time of the build-up, his was just one of many regimes in the region that needed to be destabilized.

We have accomplished nearly all of our mission in record time with too many but still an amazingly small amount of casualties -- we are currently at 1/10 the casualties the likes of EP predicted would occur in the initial invasion. We will succeed in Iraq.

So returning EP the favor, there is a list of assorted liberals and anti-Americans whose lies you have bought lock, stock and barrel. You bought the lie that not fighting would bring peace. You bought the lie that this is about oil. You bought the lie that Bush is stupid. You bought the lie that Michael Moore had something worthwhile to say. You bought the lie that Kerry had a plan. You bought the lie that its impolite and improper to tell the truth about Islamofascism.

You bought the lie that you are right.