Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Schwarzenegger Already Wins

Just two days after announcing that he would use the inititiave process to attack over-taxing that would protect public employee over-spending, Gov. Schwarzenegger won the battle.

California's corrupt Democratic legislature, seeing that fighting for another bloated budget would kill their chances of defeating Schwarzenegger's initiative, have folded their tent, and accepted the Gov's budget plan. Sez the LATimes:
The Democrats who control the Legislature have abandoned their effort to add billions of dollars in programs to the governor's proposed state budget, and are preparing to vote for a spending plan with no new taxes and no extra money for schools.

Shifting their focus to the coming special election fight, the lawmakers are surrendering to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on the major spending issues that have separated the two sides for months. For the first time in years, they are rushing to meet their constitutional deadline for passing a budget today with a viable plan. Democrats fear that holding up the budget — even for what they argue is the noble cause of trying to restore $3 billion that schools say they are owed — would hurt them Nov. 8 and drive voters to approve spending controls the governor helped place on the ballot. They said they would try to secure the money by other means.
Californians won't do much talking on their ubiquitous cell phones today, because our mouths will be hanging open.