Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

An Army of Idiots

You have to wonder what the pre-mission briefing was for this guy:
A bomb from a suicide attacker tore through a mosque [in Kandahar, Afghanistan] during today's funeral for a Muslim cleric opposed to the Taliban, killing at least 20 people, and the local governor said an al-Qaida-linked militant was responsible.

At least 42 people were wounded. (LATimes)
What part of the Koran did they quote to get this jerk to strap on explosives and blow himself up? Did they read the verses that say that suicide is an abomination? Did they find a verse that says blowing up fellow believers is just fine with their god?

And of course, they found a guy who believed, like they do, that repressing women, snuffing freedom, and acting in a wholly totalitarian manner is just fine with Allah. Is it any wonder that Arab support of terrorism is hovering around four percent? Lest that small number give you any relief, remember that four percent of Islam's billion or so followers is 40 million. That's quite an Army of Idiots.