Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Europe's Slide Into Islam

Italy is going to put Orianna Fallaci on trial for daring to criticize Islam in her new book, The Strength of Reason.

According to the WashPost, the renown 70-year-0ld journalist is being put on trial because Muslim activist Adel Smith said the phrase in her book referring to Islam as "a pool ... that never purifies" is offensive. Get a grip. Christians suffer through more verbal abuse every time Robert Sheer or Bill Moyers put pen to paper.

Letting this case move forward (even though an earlier prosecutor had sought its dismissal) is more evidence that Europe is falling into the grip of radical Islam. How could a continent that has so thoroughly turned to Secularism allow Allah rights they deny God?

Italy's Justice Minister, Roberto Castelli put it right:

"Fallaci had the courage to say what she thinks. [She expressed] deep criticism, but not defamation. Religious sensitivity must be defended, but at the same time, the individual freedom to express one's own thought must be guaranteed."

(h/t Media Bistro)