Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

UN Press Corps' Bolton Questions

From yesterday's UN Press Briefing:
Yes, Warren?

Question: Stephane, John Bolton this morning at his confirmation hearings said that he and Kofi Annan had a conversation on the telephone in which Kofi Annan said “get yourself confirmed quickly”. Can you confirm that and tell us anything more about who initiated that call and whether that’s the only conversation they’ve had, etcetera, etcetera?

Associate Spokesman
: Yes, the Secretary-General called John Bolton last week. The Secretary-General is a courteous man. He was reaching out to someone he may be working with closely in the future. But we don’t want to pre-judge the outcome of the ongoing legislative process currently playing out in Washington.

: But can you confirm he said that?

Associate Spokesman
: No, I cannot confirm. I don’t have any more information on the content of the phone call.

: Is there any better elaboration on the reason for the call?

Associate Spokesman
: Better than the one I’ve just given you?

: Well, reaching out to somebody he might be working with. I mean, why not when he was nominated?

Associate Spokesman
: The Secretary-General has been on the road a lot lately. This was a time for him to call him. He found it was a good time for him to call Mr. Bolton. He had also spoken to Mr. Wolfowitz when he was nominated. So, I don’t think it’s anything that unusual.

The thin veneer of diplomacy and PR-speak can't mask the concerns the UN has over the consequences of Bolton's appointment. Everyone but Boxer and Dodd will take this question sequence as good news. But then, Boxer and Dodd were against the war in Iraq because it might destabilize the Middle East. Silly.