Could Freedom Movement Hit China?

Watch out, Beijing! (Daily Star photo; h/t Real Clear Politics)
As Lebanese yearn by the millions for freedom and the Mideast turns restive, Condi arrives in Beijing. In Hong Kong, Beijing's hand-picked man for the transition from free market to Communist rule, Tung Chee-Hwa, stepped down two years early because Beijing was dissatisfied with his efforts to effectively manage (and keep a cap on) the colony. (here, link h/t Real Clear Politics)
Bush has made it clear to people the world over that Democracy is beckoning, and that it is possible to throw of the chains of totalitarian despots. This message has been heard in China, despite the state's efforts to mute it through rabidly biased anti-American state-owned media, as James Pinkerton points out in Newsday. (thanks again RCP).
Pinkerton has a negative read on China, and that's certainly a possible outcome. The country could become a repeat of early 20th Century Germany, emerging strong and with a sizable chip on its shoulder to threaten peace and stability in the world. Or Democracy could bring the Communists to their knees. If tiny Lebanon can turn out nearly a million marchers to give Assad a really big finger, imagine how many could turn out in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
That's the beauty of the Bush doctrine -- it asks the people do what the superpower cannot do. It is so "power to the people" that you'd think the Left would be all over it. The honest members of the Left are admitting Bush has something here, but for so many, hatred of Bush is still overpowering love of freedom. Fortunately, they are not who the oppressed of the world are listening to.
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