Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, February 25, 2005

Summers and the Ward-of-the-State

This is from an editorial in Wednesday's WashTimes. You may have already seen it, but even so, it'll be a good reminder of just how whacky academia has become:
Should Mr. Summers retain his position as president -- and he should -- the entire fiasco may have represented the high-water mark of liberal-dominated political correctness. Even if Mr. Summers is forced out, people who had never given a second thought to academia will immediately wonder why their child's professor or university defended Ward Churchill, but attacked Mr. Summers. The liberal academic's mind has been revealed to be closed. The end of such a mentality will be a long time in coming, but perhaps we have just witnessed the beginning of the end.
Wishful thinking ... but, hey, let's join them in wishing for it!