Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, December 13, 2004

Defending the Death Penalty

Finally, some news out of the Peterson trial that I'm actually interested in: A death sentence for a heartless murderer, evidence of wisdom resident in the People.

Peterson's sentence will give rise to the usual pabulum about the "inhumane" or "uncivilized" practice of employing a death penalty. Indeed, the death sentence can be troubling for those of us who feel abortion should be prohibited since it is the murder of an unborn life.

I can't lay out the defence any more clearly than Dennis Prager does, so I'll post a link (here). Of all his arguments in support of executing murderers, the one that resonates most is that the death penalty honors life, by recognizing that society places a very great value of the life, or lives, that were ended by the murderer.